Would you like to download your e-mail right inside your preferred e-mail client (mail, outlook, thunderbird, eudora ...) but your provider don't allow this?

Say "NO" to slow and poor webmail interface and try our freeware solutions:
MacFreePOPs (support all major providers like gmail, yahoo, hotmail, aol, libero, tin ...)

Try MacFreePOPs, it's free!!!

Version 1.1 available (only minor English translation fixes)
What is Euro 2008

It's an application for managing the UEFA Euro 2008 Championship. With this program you can view the matches schedule, save the final score, show both groups and second stage table, build statistics and you can also update the results on-line.

- Mac OS X (
#1, #2, #3, #4 )

- Mac OS Classic ( #1, #2, #3, #4 )

- Windows XP ( #1, #2, #3, #4 )

- Gnu/Linux ( #1, #2, #3, #4 )
System requirements

System 9 or better includes OS X
Windows 98 or better
i386 platform (require libstdc++.so.6)
Special thanks

To a
ll users that supported Germany 2006
About the author

Pier Luigi Covarelli
Perugia - Italy

- cross-browser web sites
- multimedia cd-rom
- FileMaker databases
- PHP/MySQL web dynamic apps
- MacOS 9/X and Linux consulting
If you like this software feel free to send
your little contribution to the author...Thanks !!!

Mac OS X  v 1.1

Site 1 (preferred)

Site 2 (alternate)

Site 3 (last resort)

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